Accompanying code for the book The Art of Feature Engineering.
This notebook plus notebooks for the other chapters are available online at
Copyright 2019 Pablo Duboue
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
In this chapter I will describe the creation of the base WikiCities dataset employed in this chapter and the next three chapters.
It starts with the latest release of DBpedia [cite], for October 2016, a curated ontological resource obtained from the infoboxes at Wikipedia. Infoboxes are the tabular information appearing next to the page content in each Wikipedia page.
My intention with this dataset is to provide a task that can be attacked with regular features, with time series features, textual features and image features. The task I found that allow for all these approaches is that of calculating the population of a city or town based on their ontological properties (e.g., name of its leader or its time zone), based on its historical population and historical features (which involves a time series analysis), based on the textual description of the place (which involves text analysis, particularly as many times further includes the population) and a satellite image of the city (which involves image processing).
DBpedia files are distributed as files of triples, where a triple consists of a subject, verb and object. The subject is always an entity in the ontology, prefixed by the name space The verb is an ontological relation, of which there are many (type, leader-name, etc). The object can be either another entity or a literal value (a string or a number). Besides the actual files, DBpedia also contains links to multiple other ontologies, like Freebase or Yago plus links to the original Wikipedia articles that resulted in the extracted information. For these case studies we will be using the "instance_types_en.ttl.bz2", "mappingbased_literals_en.ttl.bz2", "mappingbased_objects_en.ttl.bz2".
The type information is derived from the infobox itself. The first challenge is to identify cities, as the "city" or "settlement" type is not thoroughly annotated in Wikipedia. Instead of relying on heuristics (such as "any entitity with a location and a population" which will result in neighborghoods annotated), I chose to use an external more reliable source, the GeoNames project. The project distributes a list of "cities or settlements with at least 1000 people". It contains 128,000+ places (file "cities1000.txt"). To link them back to DBpedia we use the file "geonames_links.ttl.bz2" distributed by DBpedia (Cell #1)
# CELL 1
import re
import bz2
id_re = re.compile("^(\d+)")
url_re = re.compile(".*geonames\.org\/(\d+)")
cities1000_ids = set()
with open("cities1000.txt") as cities_file:
for line in cities_file:
print("Cities1000 total: {:,}".format(len(cities1000_ids)))
found = 0
with open("ch6_cell1_cities1000_links.ttl","w") as out:
with bz2.BZ2File("geonames_links.ttl.bz2","r") as links:
for byteline in links:
if byteline[0] == ord('#'):
line = byteline.decode("utf-8")
if not url_re.match(line):
if url_re.match(line).group(1) in cities1000_ids:
found += 1
print("In DBpedia found: {:,}".format(found))
cities1000_ids = None # free memory
Therefore, using the available links to DBpedia, we found 80,251 of them in the Wikipedia data set. These 80,251 plus DBpedia consitute the raw data for this problem (files "ch6_cell1_cities1000_links.ttl", ).
Following the methodology described in Chapter 1, I will set aside 20% of this data for final evaluation at the end of the feature engineering process (Cell #2).
# CELL 2
import random
rand = random.Random(42)
all_cities = open("ch6_cell1_cities1000_links.ttl").readlines()
pivot = int(len(all_cities) * 0.8)
devset = all_cities[:pivot]
heldout = all_cities[pivot:]
with open("ch6_cell2_cities1000_dev_links.ttl", "w") as dev:
with open("ch6_cell2_cities1000_held_links.ttl", "w") as held:
print("Devset size: {:,}".format(len(devset)))
print("Heldout size: {:,}".format(len(heldout)))
all_cities = devset = heldout = None # free memory
Following the methodology in Chapter 1, I now want to do some exploratory data analysis over these 64,200 settlements to decide basic featurization and model to employ.
The key issue to resolve here is to drill down on the specific relations we think will be useful to predict our target class. While DBpedia contain thousands of relations, many are seldom expressed (meaning, there are few pages where a human editor feel the need to record information such as "distante-to-London").
While we want to account the number of relations where our cities of interest partake, something to remember is that they might be value in relations that have a given city as its subject but there might also be value in relations that have the city as its object (that is, the inverse of certain relations).
Because processing the large files of DB is a computationally onerous process, I'll start by pre-filtering the triples related to all entities both forward and inverse, generating the file "ch6_cell3_cities1000_base.ttl" (Cell #3).
# CELL 3
city_uris = set(map(lambda line:line.split(' ')[0], open("ch6_cell1_cities1000_links.ttl").readlines()))
triple_re = re.compile("(<[^>]+>)\s(<[^>]+>)\s(.*) \.")
def compressed_triples_gen(filename):
with bz2.BZ2File(filename,"r") as compressed:
for byteline in compressed:
if byteline[0] == ord('#'):
line = byteline.decode("utf-8")
s,v,o = triple_re.match(line).groups()
yield line,s,v,o
written = 0
read = 0
with open("ch6_cell3_cities1000_base.ttl","w") as base:
# types and literals only in subject position
for line, subj, verb, obj in compressed_triples_gen("instance_types_en.ttl.bz2"):
read += 1
if subj in city_uris:
written += 1
for line, subj, verb, obj in compressed_triples_gen("mappingbased_literals_en.ttl.bz2"):
read += 1
if subj in city_uris:
written += 1
for line, subj, verb, obj in compressed_triples_gen("mappingbased_objects_en.ttl.bz2"):
read += 1
if subj in city_uris:
written += 1
if obj in city_uris:
base.write("{} {} {} .\n".format(obj, verb[0:-1] + "?inv>", subj))
written += 1
print("Base {:,} out of {:,}".format(written, read))
city_uris = None # free memory
That code takes a while to run but it will speed up the rest of the work quite a bit down the road as we only need to worry now of 2 million triples instead of 38 million. The next step is to produce a filtered version just for the development and heldout sets into the files "ch6_cell4_cities1000_devset_base.ttl" and "ch6_cell4_cities1000_heldout_base.ttl", respectively (Cell #4).
# CELL 4
devset_uris = set(map(lambda line:line.split(' ')[0], open("ch6_cell2_cities1000_dev_links.ttl").readlines()))
triple_re = re.compile("(<[^>]+>)\s(<[^>]+>)\s(.*) \.")
devset_size = 0
with open("ch6_cell3_cities1000_base.ttl") as base:
with open("ch6_cell4_cities1000_dev_base.ttl", "w") as devset:
with open("ch6_cell4_cities1000_heldout_base.ttl", "w") as heldout:
for line in base:
subj, verb, obj = triple_re.match(line).groups()
if subj in devset_uris:
devset_size += 1
print("Devset base size: {:,} triples".format(devset_size))
devset_uris = None # free memory
These close to 1.6 million triples are our working set,
I'll start the Exploratory Data Analysis by visualizing 10 random entities using the Graphviz package (Cell #5). The cities are rendered as ch6_cell5city*.pdf
# CELL 5
import re
import graphviz
import random
devset_uris = set(map(lambda line:line.split(' ')[0], open("ch6_cell1_cities1000_links.ttl").readlines()))
rand = random.Random(42)
triple_re = re.compile("(<[^>]+>)\s(<[^>]+>)\s(.*) \.")
# stable set for book
cities = [ "Doolittle,_Texas", "Belton,_Missouri", "Poiana_Sibiului", "Unadilla,_Georgia",
"Sankeshwar,_Karnataka", "Psevdas", "Skudai", "Santa_Maria_da_Boa_Vista",
"Newstead,_Tasmania", "Gombi" ]
cities = list(map(lambda x: "<" + x + ">", cities))
cities = set(rand.sample(sorted(devset_uris), 10))
nodes = dict()
dots = dict()
for city_uri in cities:
dots[city_uri] = graphviz.Digraph(format='pdf', graph_attr={'rankdir':'BT'})
nodes[city_uri] = dict()
def cell5_make_or_return_node(city_uri, name, shape=None):
if name in nodes[city_uri]:
return nodes[city_uri][name]
ret = 'N' + str(len(nodes[city_uri]))
nodes[city_uri][name] = ret
if shape is None:
dots[city_uri].node(ret, name)
dots[city_uri].node(ret, name.replace('&', ' '), shape=shape)
return ret
for city_uri in cities:
cell5_make_or_return_node(city_uri, city_uri, 'star')
rel_count = dict()
with open("ch6_cell4_cities1000_dev_base.ttl") as base:
for line in base:
subj, verb, obj = triple_re.match(line).groups()
if subj in cities:
city_uri = subj
rel_count[verb] = rel_count.get(verb, 0) + 1
if verb.endswith("?inv>"):
subj, obj = obj, subj
verb = verb[:-5] + ">"
subj_name = cell5_make_or_return_node(city_uri, subj)
obj_name = cell5_make_or_return_node(city_uri, obj)
dots[city_uri].edge(subj_name, obj_name, verb)
for city_uri in cities:
city = city_uri[:-1].split("/")[-1]
dot = dots[city_uri]
print("Rendering",city,":",len(dot.source.splitlines()), "dot lines")
dot.render("ch6_cell5_city_" + city + ".dot")
with open("ch6_cell5_rel_counts.tsv", "w") as rels:
for rel in sorted(rel_count.keys()):
print("\nTop relation counts:")
from IPython.display import HTML, display
display(HTML("<table><tr><th>Rel</th><th>Counts</th></tr>" +
"\n".join(list(map(lambda r:"<tr><td>{}</td><td>{}</td></tr>".format(r[0][:-1].split("/")[-1],r[1]),
sorted(rel_count.items(), key=lambda t:t[1], reverse=True)[:10]))) +
From here we can see that some randomly sampled cities are all fairly small, which talks that most rows will have very little data while others will contain the bulk of the triples. The amount of infrormation available is already a great indicator of population.
From looking at the graphs we can see that certain places (like Skudai) do not contain population information. The next step is thus to filter cities for which the population is known (as we can only use those to build a regressor or classifier).
From the relation table in "ch6_cell5_rel_counts.tsv" we can see that some relations are very rare (like homepage or leaderParty) while others are defined for almost all cities (like rdf type or areaLand). The inverse relations are also quite sparse but these places are all sparsely populated.
But first we will need to know how population is expressed in DBpedia. From Psevdas we can see it has a relation "populationTotal". Would that be the only way population is expressed? Let us see what relations contain the word population in their name (Cell #6).
# CELL 6
triple_re = re.compile("(<[^>]+>)\s(<[^>]+>)\s(.*) \.")
rels_of_interest = dict()
with open("ch6_cell4_cities1000_dev_base.ttl") as base:
for line in base:
subj, verb, obj = triple_re.match(line).groups()
if "population" in verb:
rels_of_interest[verb] = rels_of_interest.get(verb, 0) + 1
from IPython.display import HTML, display
display(HTML("<table><tr><th>Rel</th><th>Counts</th></tr>" +
"\n".join(list(map(lambda r:"<tr><td>{}</td><td>{}</td></tr>".format(r[0][:-1].split("/")[-1],r[1]),
sorted(rels_of_interest.items(), key=lambda t:t[1], reverse=True)))) +
It seems "populationTotal" is the right relation to use, but we will need to filter populationMetro, populationUrban and populationRural. Also, if populationTotal is not defined, either of those, if defined could be used as surrogates of out target class. But at this stage we can to filter the cities with defined population, I will put them into the file "ch6_cell7_dev_pop.tsv" and collect also the population (will require cleaning type information such as ^^ This number will be our target value for regression (or a discretized version of it, our target class).
I do this process on both the dev and heldout (into file "ch6_cell7_heldout_pop.tsv") in Cell #7.
# CELL 7
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
cities_uris = set(map(lambda line:line.split(' ')[0], open("ch6_cell1_cities1000_links.ttl").readlines()))
devset_uris = set(map(lambda line:line.split(' ')[0], open("ch6_cell2_cities1000_dev_links.ttl").readlines()))
triple_re = re.compile("(<[^>]+>)\s(<[^>]+>)\s(.*) \.")
population = OrderedDict()
with open("ch6_cell3_cities1000_base.ttl") as base:
for line in base:
subj, verb, obj = triple_re.match(line).groups()
verb = verb[:-1].split("/")[-1]
update = False
conditional = True
if verb == "populationTotal":
update = True
conditional = False
elif verb in set(['populationMetro', 'populationUrban', 'populationRural']):
if subj in population and population[subj][1] == 'populationTotal':
pass # keep current
update = True
conditional = subj in population
if update:
# compute actual population
if obj[0] == '"':
obj = obj[1:obj[1:].index('"')+1]
pop = float(obj)
except ValueError:
print("For city", subj, "cannot convert", line)
next # ignore
if not conditional or population[subj][0] < pop:
population[subj] = (pop, verb)
dev_cities_with_pop = 0
with open("ch6_cell7_dev_pop.tsv", "w") as dev:
with open("ch6_cell7_heldout_pop.tsv", "w") as held:
for city, pop in population.items():
line = "{}\t{}\n".format(city, pop[0])
if city in devset_uris:
dev_cities_with_pop += 1
print("Cities with known population in devset: {:,}".format(dev_cities_with_pop))
Now we can proceed to repeat the plotting of 10 random cities in the devset with known population (Cell #8).
# CELL 8
import re
import graphviz
import random
devset_uris = set(map(lambda line:line.split('\t')[0], open("ch6_cell7_dev_pop.tsv").readlines()))
rand = random.Random(42)
triple_re = re.compile("(<[^>]+>)\s(<[^>]+>)\s(.*) \.")
# stable set for book
cities = [ "Ovalle", "Hawaiian_Paradise_Park,_Hawaii", "Coupar_Angus",
"Hilsenheim", "Esko,_Minnesota", "Hamlin,_New_York", "Falkenberg,_Märkisch-Oderland",
"Wermelskirchen", "Berne,_Indiana", "Chennevières-sur-Marne" ]
cities = list(map(lambda x: "<" + x + ">", cities))
cities = set(rand.sample(sorted(devset_uris), 10))
nodes = dict()
dots = dict()
for city_uri in cities:
dots[city_uri] = graphviz.Digraph(format='pdf', graph_attr={'rankdir':'BT'})
nodes[city_uri] = dict()
for city_uri in cities:
cell5_make_or_return_node(city_uri, city_uri, 'star')
rel_count = dict()
with open("ch6_cell4_cities1000_dev_base.ttl") as base:
for line in base:
subj, verb, obj = triple_re.match(line).groups()
if subj in cities:
city_uri = subj
rel_count[verb] = rel_count.get(verb, 0) + 1
if verb.endswith("?inv>"):
subj, obj = obj, subj
verb = verb[:-5] + ">"
subj_name = cell5_make_or_return_node(city_uri, subj)
obj_name = cell5_make_or_return_node(city_uri, obj)
dots[city_uri].edge(subj_name, obj_name, verb)
for city_uri in cities:
city = city_uri[:-1].split("/")[-1]
dot = dots[city_uri]
print("Rendering",city,":",len(dot.source.splitlines()), "dot lines")
dot.render("ch6_cell8_city_" + city + ".dot")
with open("ch6_cell8_rel_counts.tsv", "w") as rels:
for rel in sorted(rel_count.keys()):
print("\nTop relation counts:")
from IPython.display import HTML, display
display(HTML("<table><tr><th>Rel</th><th>Counts</th></tr>" +
"\n".join(list(map(lambda r:"<tr><td>{}</td><td>{}</td></tr>".format(r[0][:-1].split("/")[-1],r[1]),
sorted(rel_count.items(), key=lambda t:t[1], reverse=True)[:10]))) +
These cities with defined population have definitely much more things going on for them, including multiple areaCode relations (three in the case of Wermelskirchen) and a variety of inverse relations. At this stage on the EDA process we want to look into which of these relations might make for good features. Going back to Chapter 1, we want features that will be simple, related to the target (population) and readily available. From the perspective of "readily available" we want to shorten down the number of relations to ones that are frequent enough that will be useful for a ML algorithm (I will look into the other issues later). Therefore their frequency over the whole set of entities is paramount. Let us sort the relations by the number of cities that have them defined (Cell #9).
# CELL 9
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
devset_uris = set(map(lambda line:line.split('\t')[0], open("ch6_cell7_dev_pop.tsv").readlines()))
triple_re = re.compile("(<[^>]+>)\s(<[^>]+>)\s(.*) \.")
rel_count = OrderedDict()
rel_subj_seen = set()
with open("ch6_cell4_cities1000_dev_base.ttl") as base:
for line in base:
subj, verb, obj = triple_re.match(line).groups()
if subj in devset_uris:
rel_subj = "{}-{}".format(subj,verb)
if rel_subj not in rel_subj_seen:
rel_count[verb] = rel_count.get(verb, 0) + 1
sorted_count = sorted(rel_count.items(), key=lambda t:t[1])
# drop long names
sorted_count = list(map(lambda t:(t[0][:-1].split("/")[-1], str(t[1])), sorted_count))
table = list()
step = int(len(sorted_count) / 10)
print("Total relations", len(sorted_count), "percentile size", step)
table.append( ("First", sorted_count[0][0], sorted_count[0][1],
"{}%".format(int(float(sorted_count[0][1]) / len(devset_uris) * 10000) / 100) ))
current = step
percentile = 1
while current < len(sorted_count):
table.append( ("At {} percentile".format(percentile*10), sorted_count[current][0],
"{}%".format(int(float(sorted_count[current][1]) / len(devset_uris) * 10000) / 100) ) )
current += step
percentile += 1
table.append( ("Last", sorted_count[-1][0], sorted_count[-1][1],
"{}%".format(int(float(sorted_count[-1][1]) / len(devset_uris) * 10000) / 100) ))
from IPython.display import HTML, display
display(HTML("<table><tr><th>Pos</th><th>Rel</th><th>Counts</th><th>Percentage of cities defined</th></tr>" +
"\n".join(list(map(lambda r:"<tr><td>" + "</td><td>".join(r) + "</td></tr>", table))) +
Which relation we will use is key to success of the ML, at this stage we will overselect and then drill down to find a better subset. But we don't want to select too many, particularly ones are not that useful, so anything appearing less than 5% of the time is not really that useful, even if looks very appealing (such as "populationTotalRanking", only available for 1.43% of the cities in the devset). The next stage is then write down the list of final relations (file "ch6_cell10_rels.txt") and filter the devset to only those triples (file "ch6_cell10_cities100_dev_filtered.ttl"). That will also further reduce the computation down the road. Cell #10.
# CELL 10
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
devset_uris = set(map(lambda line:line.split('\t')[0], open("ch6_cell7_dev_pop.tsv").readlines()))
triple_re = re.compile("(<[^>]+>)\s(<[^>]+>)\s(.*) \.")
rel_count = OrderedDict()
rel_subj_seen = set()
with open("ch6_cell4_cities1000_dev_base.ttl") as base:
for line in base:
subj, verb, obj = triple_re.match(line).groups()
if subj in devset_uris:
rel_subj = "{}-{}".format(subj,verb)
if rel_subj not in rel_subj_seen:
rel_count[verb] = rel_count.get(verb, 0) + 1
# delete populations
del rel_count["<>"]
del rel_count["<>"]
del rel_count["<>"]
del rel_count["<>"]
threshold = len(devset_uris) * 0.05
selected_rels = sorted(filter(lambda t:t[1] >= threshold, rel_count.items()), key=lambda t:t[0])
with open("ch6_cell10_rels.txt", "w") as rels:
rels.write("\n".join(map(lambda t:t[0], selected_rels))+"\n")
selected_rels = set(map(lambda t:t[0], selected_rels))
written = 0
with open("ch6_cell10_cities1000_dev_filtered.ttl", "w") as filtered:
with open("ch6_cell4_cities1000_dev_base.ttl") as base:
for line in base:
subj, verb, obj = triple_re.match(line).groups()
if subj in devset_uris and verb in selected_rels:
written += 1
print("Selected", len(selected_rels), "relations")
print("Filtered down to {:,} triples".format(written))
From all this process we are now down to 43 relations and 1.3 million triples for 48,000 instances. But we still do not have features, as these relations have multiple instances for them and are unordered. To deal with this situation, we can remember the techniques from Chapter 5 for dealing sets, lists, graphs, etc. For the set-based (unordered) nature of the relations, we can sort them. In this case we can sort them by how frequent is the target value. If the target value is more frequent, it might be more informative to the ML. That leaves then with a list of values for each relation. To represent lists, a common technique is to truncate it to a maximum size. We thus need to see how many times each of these 43 relations is defined for a given entity (Cell #11).
# CELL 11
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
triple_re = re.compile("(<[^>]+>)\s(<[^>]+>)\s(.*) \.")
rel_count_per_city = OrderedDict()
with open("ch6_cell10_cities1000_dev_filtered.ttl") as base:
for line in base:
subj, verb, obj = triple_re.match(line).groups()
if verb not in rel_count_per_city:
rel_count_per_city[verb] = OrderedDict()
rel_count_per_city[verb][subj] = rel_count_per_city[verb].get(subj, 0) + 1
# sort and compute min, max, average and median
table = list()
for rel in sorted(rel_count_per_city.keys()):
city_counts = sorted(rel_count_per_city[rel].items(), key=lambda t:t[1])
city_counts = list(map(lambda t:(t[0][:-1].split("/")[-1],t[1]), city_counts))
table.append( (rel[:-1].split("/")[-1], # rel
len(city_counts), # counts
city_counts[-1], # max
int(sum(map(lambda t:t[1], city_counts)) / len(city_counts) * 100) / 100, # avg
city_counts[int(len(city_counts) / 2)], # median
city_counts[0]) # min
from IPython.display import HTML, display
display(HTML("<table><tr><th>Rel</th><th>Counts</th><th>Max</th><th>Avg</th><th>Median</th><th>Min</th></tr>" +
"\n".join(list(map(lambda r:"<tr><td>"+"</td><td>".join(list(map(str,r)))+
"</td></tr>", table))) +"</table>"))
There are multiple things we can see here. First, no relation has a minimum that it is not 1. That is good because it means no relation is inherently multiple. We can also see that the inverted relations have substantive maximums, which make sense that cities such as London will be the birthplaces of thousands of Wikipedia-worthy people. Clearly the most important signal here is the number of such inbound relations rather than the actual entities being referred, but we will leave that to be brought about by some feature selection techniques as the ones discussed in Chapter 4. Some the averages are also pretty high but they seem to be driven by few megacities. The medians are much informative, with only a few beyond one. I will thus focus on the medians and extract the file "ch6_cell12_rels_median_fan_outs.tsv" (Cell #12).
# CELL 12
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
triple_re = re.compile("(<[^>]+>)\s(<[^>]+>)\s(.*) \.")
rel_count_per_city = OrderedDict()
with open("ch6_cell10_cities1000_dev_filtered.ttl") as base:
for line in base:
subj, verb, obj = triple_re.match(line).groups()
if verb not in rel_count_per_city:
rel_count_per_city[verb] = OrderedDict()
rel_count_per_city[verb][subj] = rel_count_per_city[verb].get(subj, 0) + 1
# sort and compute min, max, average and median
with open("ch6_cell12_rels_median_fan_outs.tsv", "w") as medians:
for rel in sorted(rel_count_per_city.keys()):
city_counts = sorted(rel_count_per_city[rel].items(), key=lambda t:t[1])
medians.write("{}\t{}\n".format(rel,city_counts[int(len(city_counts) / 2)][1]))
We are now almost ready to produce a base featurization, all we are missing is to have global counts for all literals and entities that are targets of the relations and use them to sort and select the top ones according to the median fan-out computed in Cell #11. To such features I will also add the total count per relation and a large total of all relevant relations. Missing features are marked by the string "N/A". Adding the population produces the file "ch6_cell13_dev_feat0.tsv", the first full featurization of the dataset (Cell #13).
# CELL 13
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
triple_re = re.compile("(<[^>]+>)\s(<[^>]+>)\s(.*) \.")
# compute counts for ordering values
popularity = dict()
with open("ch6_cell10_cities1000_dev_filtered.ttl") as base:
for line in base:
subj, verb, obj = triple_re.match(line).groups()
popularity[obj] = popularity.get(obj, 0) + 1
# fan outs
fan_outs = dict()
with open("ch6_cell12_rels_median_fan_outs.tsv") as medians:
for line in medians:
rel, fan_out = line.strip().split("\t")
fan_outs[rel] = int(fan_out)
rels = sorted(fan_outs.keys())
# population
pops = dict()
with open("ch6_cell7_dev_pop.tsv") as dev_pop:
for line in dev_pop:
city, pop = line.strip().split("\t")
pops[city] = float(pop)
# full graph
graph = OrderedDict()
with open("ch6_cell10_cities1000_dev_filtered.ttl") as base:
for line in base:
subj, verb, obj = triple_re.match(line).groups()
if verb in fan_outs:
if subj not in graph:
graph[subj] = OrderedDict()
if verb not in graph[subj]:
graph[subj][verb] = list()
# putting it all together
rows_written = 0
with open("ch6_cell13_dev_feat0.tsv", "w") as feats:
# header
rel_start = dict()
idx = 2
for rel in rels:
fan_out = fan_outs[rel]
rel_start[rel] = idx
rel = rel[1:-1]
for i in range(fan_out):
feats.write("\t{}#{}".format(rel, i+1))
idx += fan_out + 1
rows_written += 1
# data
for city, data in graph.items():
feats.write("{}\t{}".format(city, sum(map(len,data.values()))))
for rel in rels:
fan_out = fan_outs[rel]
if rel not in data:
feats.write("\tNA" * (fan_out + 1))
values = sorted(data[rel], key=lambda o:popularity[o], reverse=True)[:fan_out]
feats.write("\t" + "\t".join(values))
written = len(values)
while written < fan_out:
written += 1
rows_written += 1
print("Rows written (including header): {:,}".format(rows_written))
We are now at the moment to start thinking about the ML algorithm we will employ over this data. It contains almost 100 columns of different types and a numeric target. Let us start by plotting the target and its distribution (Cell #14).
# CELL 14
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
pops = list()
with open("ch6_cell13_dev_feat0.tsv") as feats:
next(feats) # skip header
for line in feats:
pops.append(float(line.strip().split("\t")[-1]) / 10e6)
pops = sorted(pops)
plt.plot(pops, label="population", color='gray')
plt.ylabel('population in millions')
plt.savefig("ch6_cell14_population.pdf", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
That curve is quite steep at the end. To flatten it down, we can apply a logarithmic function as it helps put such growths processes in perspective, as discussed in Chapter 3. Instead of the default logarithm on base $e$ I will use the more intuitive base 10 that tell us the number of digits in the population for a city. Cell #15 shows the result.
# CELL 15
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
pops = list()
with open("ch6_cell13_dev_feat0.tsv") as feats:
next(feats) # skip header
for line in feats:
pop = float(line.strip().split("\t")[-1])
if pop == 0:
pop = 1
pops.append(math.log(pop, 10))
pops = sorted(pops)
plt.plot(pops, label="log population", color='gray')
plt.ylabel('log population in millions')
plt.savefig("ch6_cell15_log_population.pdf", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
The first thing to notice in this figure is that there seems to be many cities in the data set with less that 1,000 inhabitants. Some even with only 1 person! Looking a little bit into the triples, I can see that some are actual mistakes in Wikipedia (a city with 1,000,000 people got typed as 1.000.000, etc). Other are small towns and hamlets that are less than a 1,000 people (but might have been more than a 1,000 at the time GeoNames built their list). Following the discussion on outliers in Chapter 2, these are outliers that are worth removing from the data. I will still leave them in the held-out final test data as their impact in production needs to be seen and evaluated.
We thus remove these outliers and produce a filtered file "ch6_cell16_dev_feat0_filtered.tsv" (Cell #16).
# CELL 16
written = 0
with open("ch6_cell16_dev_feat0_filtered.tsv", "w") as filtered:
with open("ch6_cell13_dev_feat0.tsv") as feats:
for line in feats:
pop = float(line.strip().split("\t")[-1])
if pop >= 1000:
written += 1
print("Rows written (including header): {:,}".format(written))
So we did not throw a lot of data with this change, good.
Now we can try some learning for EDA. Let us try some regression models on it against the single feature of "number of relations defined". Let's start with SVR using RBFs (Cell #17).
# CELL 17
import random
import math
from sklearn.svm import SVR
import numpy as np
rand = random.Random(42)
train_data = list()
test_data = list()
with open("ch6_cell16_dev_feat0_filtered.tsv") as feats:
next(feats) # skip header
for line in feats:
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
pop = float(fields[-1])
rels = float(fields[1])
row = (math.log(rels, 10), math.log(pop, 10))
if rand.random() < 0.8:
test_data = sorted(test_data, key=lambda t:t[1])
train_data = np.array(train_data)
test_data = np.array(test_data)
xtrain = train_data[:,0]
ytrain = train_data[:,1]
xtest = test_data[:,0]
ytest = test_data[:,1]
# SVRs need scaling
xtrain_min = xtrain.min(); xtrain_max = xtrain.max()
xtrain_scaling = 1.0 / (xtrain_max - xtrain_min)
xtrain -= xtrain_min
xtrain *= xtrain_scaling
ytrain_min = ytrain.min(); ytrain_max = ytrain.max()
ytrain_scaling = 1.0 / (ytrain_max - ytrain_min)
ytrain -= ytrain_min
ytrain *= ytrain_scaling
xtest -= xtrain_min
xtest *= xtrain_scaling
ytest_orig = ytest.copy()
ytest -= ytrain_min
ytest *= ytrain_scaling
# train
print("Training on {:,} cities".format(len(xtrain)))
best_c = 100.0
best_epsilon = 0.1
best_rmse = 1000
for c in [0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 100.0]:
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=0.05, C=c, gamma='auto'),1), ytrain)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest.reshape(-1,1))
ytest_pred *= 1.0/ytrain_scaling
ytest_pred += ytrain_min
RMSE = math.sqrt(sum((ytest_orig - ytest_pred)**2) / len(ytest))
print("C", c, "RMSE", RMSE)
if RMSE < best_rmse:
best_c = c
best_rmse = RMSE
print("Best C", best_c,"best RMSE", best_rmse)
best_rmse = 1000
for epsilon in [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0]:
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=epsilon, C=best_c, gamma='auto'),1), ytrain)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest.reshape(-1,1))
ytest_pred *= 1.0/ytrain_scaling
ytest_pred += ytrain_min
RMSE = math.sqrt(sum((ytest_orig - ytest_pred)**2) / len(ytest))
print("Epsilon", epsilon, "RMSE", RMSE)
if RMSE < best_rmse:
best_epsilon = epsilon
best_rmse = RMSE
print("Best epsilon", best_epsilon,"best RMSE", best_rmse)
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=best_epsilon, C=best_c, gamma='auto'),1), ytrain)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest.reshape(-1,1))
ytest_pred *= 1.0/ytrain_scaling
ytest_pred += ytrain_min
RMSE = math.sqrt(sum((ytest_orig - ytest_pred)**2) / len(ytest))
print("RMSE", RMSE)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [20, 5]
plt.plot(ytest_pred, label="predicted", color='gray')
plt.plot(ytest_orig, label="actual", color='black')
plt.ylabel('scaled log population')
plt.savefig("ch6_cell17_svr_one_feat.pdf", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
While the RMSE is not that bad for only one feature (less that one order of magnitude) and the flat bottom of the figure can be explained by the fact the SVR has only a single support vector (from its single feature), the figure still does not seem to track the curve that well. To further see if this is an issue with SVR or with the feature, I plotted a 20% sample of the total number of relations against the log of the population in Cell #18.
# CELL 18
import math
import random
pops = list()
num_rels = list()
rand = random.Random(42)
with open("ch6_cell16_dev_feat0_filtered.tsv") as feats:
next(feats) # skip header
for line in feats:
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
pop = float(fields[-1])
rels = float(fields[1])
if rand.random() < 0.2:
pops.append(math.log(pop, 10))
num_rels.append(math.log(rels, 10))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 10]
plt.plot(num_rels, pops, '.', color='gray')
plt.ylabel('scaled log population')
plt.xlabel('scaled number of relations')
plt.savefig("ch6_cell18_logpop_vs_log_items.pdf", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
It seems the correlation is there but it is weak and SVR is extracting as good information as it is. I thus settle for SVR and we are ready for our first feature set.
As SVR only takes numeric features, the first step is to typify the raw columns we have and see which ones are quasi-numeric (that is, numeric 80% of the time) and whether the ones that are not have a small (100 or less) unique values. This typification is in Cell #19.
# CELL 19
types = dict()
data = list()
header = None
with open("ch6_cell16_dev_feat0_filtered.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats).strip().split('\t')
for line in feats:
data.append( line.strip().split('\t'))
# numeric columns
num_cols = set()
for idx in range(len(header)):
total_non_na = 0
is_num = 0
for row in data:
if row[idx] == 'NA':
total_non_na += 1
row_val = row[idx]
if '"^^' in row_val:
row_val = row_val[1:row_val.index('"^^')]
is_num += 1
except ValueError:
if is_num > total_non_na * 0.8:
print("Total cols", len(header))
print("Numeric cols", len(num_cols))
# differentiate categorical from free text, up to 100 categories
cat_cols = dict()
others = list()
for idx in range(len(header)):
if idx in num_cols:
values = set()
for row in data:
if row[idx] == 'NA':
if len(values) < 100:
cat_cols[idx] = values
others.append( (header[idx], len(values)) )
print("Categorical cols")
for col in sorted(cat_cols.keys()):
print(" " + header[col])
from IPython.display import HTML, display
display(HTML("<table><tr><th>Rel</th><th>Counts</th></tr>" +
"\n".join(list(map(lambda r: "<tr><td>{}</td><td>{}</td></tr>".format(r[0].split("/")[-1], r[1]),
others))) +"</table>"))
Therefore, of the 99 columns, 54 are numeric but only 3 can be captured by 100 unique values. As we can expect more of them to be quasi-categorical, I employ a technique for category discretization discussed in Chapter 2, introducing an OTHER category to handle the rest of the values if they account for less than 20% of the total number of values (Cell #20).
I also drop constant columns (which are uninformative) netting 50 numeric columns and 11 categorical. The remaining columns have a variety that cannot be discretized. These columns will require text processing or they are just uninformative for this approach. The selected categorical relations with their total number of categories is shown. Types go to "ch6_cell20_feat0_types.tsv".
# CELL 20
from collections import OrderedDict
types = dict()
data = list()
header = None
with open("ch6_cell16_dev_feat0_filtered.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats).strip().split('\t')
for line in feats:
data.append( line.strip().split('\t'))
# constant columns
const_cols = set()
for idx in range(len(header)):
value = None
constant = True
for row in data:
if row[idx] == 'NA':
if value is None:
value = row[idx]
elif value != row[idx]:
constant = False
if constant:
# integer columns
num_cols = set()
for idx in range(len(header)):
if idx in const_cols:
total_non_na = 0
is_num = 0
for row in data:
if row[idx] == 'NA':
total_non_na += 1
row_val = row[idx]
if '"^^' in row_val:
row_val = row_val[1:row_val.index('"^^')]
is_num += 1
except ValueError:
if is_num > total_non_na * 0.8:
print("Total cols", len(header))
print("Constant cols", len(const_cols))
print("Numeric cols", len(num_cols))
# differentiate categorical from free text, up to 100 categories, including "other"
cat_cols = dict()
others = list()
for idx in range(len(header)):
if idx in num_cols or idx in const_cols:
values = OrderedDict()
total_obs = 0
for row in data:
if row[idx] == 'NA':
values[row[idx]] = values.get(row[idx], 0) + 1
total_obs += 1
values = sorted(values.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])
total_values = len(values)
selected_values = list()
selected_obs = 0
while selected_obs * 1.0 / total_obs < 0.8 and len(selected_values) < 100:
value, count = values.pop()
selected_obs += count
if len(selected_values) < 100:
cat_cols[idx] = selected_values
others.append( (header[idx], total_values, int(selected_obs * 1.0 / total_obs * 10000)/100) )
with open("ch6_cell20_feat0_types.tsv", "w") as types:
for idx in range(len(header)):
types.write("{}\t{}".format(idx, header[idx]))
if idx in num_cols:
elif idx in cat_cols:
types.write("\t" + "\t".join(cat_cols[idx]) + "\n")
table1 = ("<table><tr><th>Rel</th><th>Categories</th></tr>" +
"\n".join(list(map(lambda x: "<tr><td>{}</td><td>{}</td></tr>".format(header[x].split("/")[-1],
len(cat_cols[x])), cat_cols.keys()))) +
table2 = ("<table><tr><th>Rel</th><th>Counts</th><th>% Covered @ 100</th></tr>" +
"\n".join(list(map(lambda r:
r[1], r[2]),
others))) +"</table>")
from IPython.display import HTML, display
display(HTML("<h3>Categorical cols ({})</h3>".format(len(cat_cols)) +
table1 + "<h3>Remaining cols ({})</h3>".format(len(others)) + table2))
I now proceed to perform a one hot encoding of the categories (cf. Chapter 3) and imputing the values to the OTHER for categorical (cf. Chapter 2) or to 0.0 for numeric into file "ch6_cell21_dev_feat1.tsv" (Cell #21). Its vector size has 380 features plus the target variable.
# CELL 21
from collections import OrderedDict
types = list(map(lambda line: line.strip().split("\t"),
header = None
data = list()
with open("ch6_cell16_dev_feat0_filtered.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats).strip().split('\t')
for line in feats:
data.append( line.strip().split('\t'))
total_size = 0
cat_to_pos = dict()
for type_line in types:
if type_line[2] == 'NUMERIC':
total_size += 1
elif type_line[2] != 'IGNORE':
cat_to_pos[int(type_line[0])] = dict(zip(type_line[2:], range(len(type_line) - 2)))
total_size += len(type_line) - 2
with open("ch6_cell21_dev_feat1.tsv", "w") as feat1:
feat1.write('name') # add name for error analysis
for type_line in types:
if type_line[2] == 'NUMERIC':
feat1.write('\t' + type_line[1])
elif type_line[2] != 'IGNORE':
for value in type_line[2:]:
feat1.write('\t{}@{}'.format(type_line[1], value))
for row in data:
v = ['NA',] * (total_size + 1)
v[0] = row[0] # add name for error analysis
current = 1
for type_line in types:
idx = int(type_line[0])
value = row[idx]
if type_line[2] == 'NUMERIC':
if '"^^' in value:
value = value[1:value.index('"^^')]
v[current] = str(float(value))
except ValueError:
v[current] = '0.0'
current += 1
elif type_line[2] != 'IGNORE':
pos = None
if value == 'NA' or value not in cat_to_pos[idx]:
pos = cat_to_pos[idx]['OTHER']
pos = cat_to_pos[idx][value]
for idx2 in range(len(type_line) - 2):
if idx2 == pos:
v[current] = "1.0"
v[current] = "0.0"
current += 1
feat1.write('\t'.join(v) + "\n")
print("Vector size", total_size)
This data set is ready to be used with SVR. Doing a grid search for its parameters and saving data for error analysis (Cell #22) we obtain a RMSE of 0.41 and the curve below.
# CELL 22
import random
import math
from sklearn.svm import SVR
import numpy as np
rand = random.Random(42)
train_data = list()
test_data = list()
header = None
with open("ch6_cell21_dev_feat1.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats)
header = header.strip().split("\t")
for line in feats:
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
pop = float(fields[-1])
name = fields[0]
feats = list(map(float,fields[1:-1]))
row = (feats, math.log(pop, 10), name)
if rand.random() < 0.2:
test_data = sorted(test_data, key=lambda t:t[1])
test_names = list(map(lambda t:t[2], test_data))
xtrain = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[0], train_data)))
ytrain = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[1], train_data)))
xtest = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[0], test_data)))
ytest = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[1], test_data)))
# SVRs need scaling
xtrain_min = xtrain.min(axis=0); xtrain_max = xtrain.max(axis=0)
# some can be zero if the column is constant in training
xtrain_diff = xtrain_max - xtrain_min
for idx in range(len(xtrain_diff)):
if xtrain_diff[idx] == 0.0:
xtrain_diff[idx] = 1.0
xtrain_scaling = 1.0 / xtrain_diff
xtrain -= xtrain_min; xtrain *= xtrain_scaling
ytrain_min = ytrain.min(); ytrain_max = ytrain.max()
ytrain_scaling = 1.0 / (ytrain_max - ytrain_min)
ytrain -= ytrain_min; ytrain *= ytrain_scaling
xtest -= xtrain_min; xtest *= xtrain_scaling
ytest_orig = ytest.copy()
ytest -= ytrain_min; ytest *= ytrain_scaling
# train
print("Training on {:,} cities".format(len(xtrain)))
best_c = 100.0
best_epsilon = 0.05
best_rmse = 1000
for c in [0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 100.0]:
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=0.05, C=c, gamma='auto'), ytrain)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest)
ytest_pred *= 1.0/ytrain_scaling
ytest_pred += ytrain_min
RMSE = math.sqrt(sum((ytest_orig - ytest_pred)**2) / len(ytest))
print("C", c, "RMSE", RMSE)
if RMSE < best_rmse:
best_c = c
best_rmse = RMSE
print("Best C", best_c,"best RMSE", best_rmse)
best_rmse = 1000
for epsilon in [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0]:
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=epsilon, C=best_c, gamma='auto'), ytrain)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest)
ytest_pred *= 1.0/ytrain_scaling
ytest_pred += ytrain_min
RMSE = math.sqrt(sum((ytest_orig - ytest_pred)**2) / len(ytest))
print("Epsilon", epsilon, "RMSE", RMSE)
if RMSE < best_rmse:
best_epsilon = epsilon
best_rmse = RMSE
print("Best epsilon", best_epsilon,"best RMSE", best_rmse)
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=best_epsilon, C=best_c, gamma='auto'), ytrain)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest)
ytest_pred *= 1.0/ytrain_scaling
ytest_pred += ytrain_min
RMSE = math.sqrt(sum((ytest_orig - ytest_pred)**2) / len(ytest))
print("RMSE", RMSE)
print("Writing files for error analysis")
xtrain=xtrain, ytrain=ytrain,
xtest=xtest, ytest=ytest,
with open("ch6_cell22_test_names.tsv", "w") as names:
for idx, name in enumerate(test_names):
names.write("{}\t{}\n".format(idx, name))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [20, 5]
plt.plot(ytest_pred, label="predicted", color='gray')
plt.plot(ytest_orig, label="actual", color='black')
plt.ylabel('scaled log population')
plt.savefig("ch6_cell22_svr_feat1.pdf", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
This figure and RMSE look better than the single feature that preceed it but it has some strange spikes. Let's perform some Error Analysis on them, an error drilldown on the spike at the end by feature ablation, most probably won't work but I show error analysis.
Using the training data and evaluation results from Cell #22, I can now do an error drilldown on the spike at the end by feature ablation in Cell #23.
# CELL 23
arrays = np.load("ch6_cell22_feat1_svr.npz")
ytest_orig = arrays['ytest_orig']
ytest_pred = arrays['ytest_pred']
test_names = list(map(lambda line:line.strip().split('\t')[-1],
# find the top 10 biggest contributors to the log error
sqe = (ytest_orig - ytest_pred)**2
contributors = list()
while len(contributors) < 10:
idx = sqe.argmax()
contributors.append( (idx, (ytest_pred - ytest_orig)[idx]) )
sqe[idx] = 0.0
print("Top contributors to the error")
for idx, error in contributors:
print("{:<4} {:<21} {:>5} {:>10,} {:>17,}".
format(idx, test_names[idx][:-1].split("/")[-1], int(error*100)/100,
int(10**ytest_orig[idx]), int(10**ytest_pred[idx])))
From the table we can see that cities that have a rich history but are not necessarily that populated get overshoot by the system. Makes sense.
Interestingly, Saint-Prex is actually about 5,000 people, the 300,000 number is an extraction mistake. Meads, Kentucky population is listed on Wikipedia as 280,000 but it is being flagged as an error as 280,000 is the size of the full region. The town itself is definitely less than 5,000 people.
Nicosia is a history-rich city populated by 4,500 years. Sadly, it is a divided city and one of its divisions population is about 55,000 people. A joint city will total about 300,000 inhabitants, but it has the history of a 6,000,000 people for sure.
Therefore we have history-rich, underpopulated cities and extraction errors. From here it makes sense to focus on real (not logarithmic) where the system is over predicting (Cell #24).
# CELL 24
arrays = np.load("ch6_cell22_feat1_svr.npz")
xtrain = arrays['xtrain']
ytrain = arrays['ytrain']
xtest = arrays['xtest']
ytest = arrays['ytest']
ytest_orig = arrays['ytest_orig']
ytest_pred = arrays['ytest_pred']
test_names = list(map(lambda line:line.strip().split('\t')[-1],
# find the top 10 biggest contributors to the actual error
real_error = (10**ytest_pred - 10**ytest_orig)
contributors = list()
cumulative_error = 0
while len(contributors) < 10:
idx = real_error.argmax()
contributors.append( (idx, (ytest_pred - ytest_orig)[idx]) )
cumulative_error += ytest_pred[idx] - ytest_orig[idx]
real_error[idx] = 0.0
print("Top contributors to the error")
print("Cumulative error {:,}".format(cumulative_error))
for idx, error in contributors:
print("{:<4} {:<21} {:>5} {:>10,} {:>17,}".
format(idx, test_names[idx][:-1].split("/")[-1], int(error*100)/100,
int(10**ytest_orig[idx]), int(10**ytest_pred[idx])))
This list looks quite good, these cities are contributing a lot to the error and fall into the category of errors we have found the system is making, let's do an ablation study (wrapper) to see if we can find which features are hurting us here. In this study we'll throw away one feature at a time and see whether it improves the cumulative error for these 10 cities. The amount of computation is very big so we'll work on a 1% sample of the original data. Also, because Dublin is so markedly overshoot, I'll also keep track of dropping which better feature improves each city. Cell #25.
# CELL 25
import random
from sklearn.svm import SVR
import numpy as np
arrays = np.load("ch6_cell22_feat1_svr.npz")
xtrain = arrays['xtrain']
ytrain = arrays['ytrain']
ytrain_scaling = arrays['ytrain_scaling']
ytrain_min = arrays['ytrain_min']
xtest = arrays['xtest']
ytest = arrays['ytest']
ytest_orig = arrays['ytest_orig']
ytest_pred = arrays['ytest_pred']
test_names = list(map(lambda line:line.strip().split('\t')[-1],
header = None
with open("ch6_cell21_dev_feat1.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats)
header = header.strip().split('\t')
header.pop(0) # drop name
# find the top 10 biggest contributors to the log error
real_error = (10**ytest_pred - 10**ytest_orig)
contributors = list()
cumulative_error = 0
xtest_contr = np.zeros( (10, xtest.shape[1]) )
ytest_contr = np.zeros( (10,) )
while len(contributors) < 10:
idx = real_error.argmax()
ytest_contr[len(contributors)] = ytest_orig[idx]
xtest_contr[len(contributors),:] = xtest[idx,:]
contributors.append( (idx, (ytest_pred - ytest_orig)[idx]) )
cumulative_error += real_error[idx]
real_error[idx] = 0.0
best_epsilon = 0.05
best_c = 100.0
# this is a lot of computation, work on sample of the original data
rand = random.Random(42)
selected = rand.sample(list(range(len(xtrain))), int(len(xtrain) * PARAM_SAMPLE_PERC))
xtrain_samp = xtrain[selected,:]
ytrain_samp = ytrain[selected]
# baseline run
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=best_epsilon, C=best_c, gamma='auto'), ytrain_samp)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest_contr)
ytest_pred *= 1.0/ytrain_scaling
ytest_pred += ytrain_min
error = ytest_pred - ytest_contr # absolute log error
cumulative = sum(error)
baseline_cumulative = cumulative
per_city_baseline = error
best_cumulative = 100000.00
best_cumulative_ablate = None
per_city_best = [10000.00,] * 10
per_city_best_ablate = [None,] * 10
for feat in range(xtrain.shape[1]):
if feat % int(xtrain.shape[1] / 10) == 0:
print("{:>3} out of {:>3}".format(feat, xtrain.shape[1]))
train_col = xtrain_samp[:,feat].copy()
xtrain_samp[:,feat] = 0.0 # nuke feature
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=best_epsilon, C=best_c, gamma='auto'), ytrain_samp)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest_contr)
ytest_pred *= 1.0/ytrain_scaling
ytest_pred += ytrain_min
error = ytest_pred - ytest_contr
cumulative = sum(error)
if best_cumulative_ablate is None or best_cumulative > cumulative:
best_cumulative_ablate = feat
best_cumulative = cumulative
for idx in range(10):
if per_city_best_ablate[idx] is None or per_city_best[idx] > error[idx]:
per_city_best_ablate[idx] = feat
per_city_best[idx] = error[idx]
xtrain_samp[:,feat] = train_col # restore
print("Ablation study")
print("Best overall from {:3.2} to {:3.2} ({:.2%})".format(
baseline_cumulative, best_cumulative,
print("Feature to ablate ({}): {}\n\n".format(best_cumulative_ablate, header[best_cumulative_ablate]))
for idx in range(10):
print("For city {} from {:3.2} to {:3.2} ({:.2%})".format(
per_city_baseline[idx], per_city_best[idx],
print("Feature to ablate ({}): {}\n".format(per_city_best_ablate[idx], header[per_city_best_ablate[idx]]))
From the above results I can see that counts are misleading the algorithm. Here I am presented with two options, I can either drop them or I can dampen their growth by applying a squashing function to them. As I believe there's value in them, I'll dampen their value by applying a log function to them (Cell #26).
# CELL 26
import math
from sklearn.svm import SVR
import numpy as np
header = None
with open("ch6_cell26_dev_feat1_dampen.tsv", "w") as feats_damp:
with open("ch6_cell21_dev_feat1.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats)
header = header.strip().split("\t")
header.pop(0) # name
for line in feats:
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
pop = float(fields[-1])
name = fields[0]
feats = list(map(float,fields[1:-1]))
pop = math.log(pop, 10)
# dampen counts
for idx, featname in enumerate(header):
if "#count" in featname:
feats[idx] = math.log(feats[idx] + 1, 10)
feats_damp.write("\t".join(map(str, [name] + feats + [pop])) + "\n")
rand = random.Random(42)
train_data = list()
test_data = list()
header = None
with open("ch6_cell26_dev_feat1_dampen.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats)
header = header.strip().split("\t")
header.pop(0) # name
for line in feats:
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
logpop = float(fields[-1])
name = fields[0]
feats = list(map(float,fields[1:-1]))
row = (feats, logpop, name)
if rand.random() < 0.2:
test_data = sorted(test_data, key=lambda t:t[1])
test_names = list(map(lambda t:t[2], test_data))
xtrain = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[0], train_data)))
ytrain = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[1], train_data)))
xtest = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[0], test_data)))
ytest = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[1], test_data)))
# SVRs need scaling
xtrain_min = xtrain.min(axis=0); xtrain_max = xtrain.max(axis=0)
# some can be zero if the column is constant in training
xtrain_diff = xtrain_max - xtrain_min
for idx in range(len(xtrain_diff)):
if xtrain_diff[idx] == 0.0:
xtrain_diff[idx] = 1.0
xtrain_scaling = 1.0 / xtrain_diff
xtrain -= xtrain_min; xtrain *= xtrain_scaling
ytrain_min = ytrain.min(); ytrain_max = ytrain.max()
ytrain_scaling = 1.0 / (ytrain_max - ytrain_min)
ytrain -= ytrain_min; ytrain *= ytrain_scaling
xtest -= xtrain_min; xtest *= xtrain_scaling
ytest_orig = ytest.copy()
ytest -= ytrain_min; ytest *= ytrain_scaling
# train
print("Training on {:,} cities".format(len(xtrain)))
best_c = 100.0
best_epsilon = 0.05
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=best_epsilon, C=best_c, gamma='auto'), ytrain)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest)
ytest_pred *= 1.0/ytrain_scaling
ytest_pred += ytrain_min
RMSE = math.sqrt(sum((ytest_orig - ytest_pred)**2) / len(ytest))
print("RMSE", RMSE)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [20, 5]
plt.plot(ytest_pred, label="predicted", color='gray')
plt.plot(ytest_orig, label="actual", color='black')
plt.ylabel('scaled log population')
plt.savefig("ch6_cell26_svr_feat1_dampen.pdf", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
The RMSE is better than before at 0.36 and the spikes have reduced.
That is a nice improvement from the previous one (note that Feature Engineering does not always succeed and you might encounter dead ends). (Of course taking the log of those counts could have been done directly based on the advice in Chapter 2).
Instead of continuing in this route of wrapper ablation, I'll now move to feature utility metrics, for which we need a categorical target, I'll thus discretize the target in segments with equal number of points. Cell #27 does the discretization and measure the discretization error at different number of splits.
# CELL 27
import math
import random
import numpy as np
rand = random.Random(42)
train_data = list()
test_data = list()
with open("ch6_cell26_dev_feat1_dampen.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats)
for line in feats:
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
logpop = float(fields[-1])
if rand.random() < 0.2:
train_data = np.array(sorted(train_data))
test_data = np.array(test_data)
def cell27_split(data):
pivot = int(len(data)/2)
# slower, more accurate
lower_center, lower_val = int(pivot/2), data[int(pivot/2)]
upper_center, upper_val = int(pivot/2)+pivot, data[int(pivot/2)+pivot]
return [ { "min": data[0], "max": data[pivot], "val": lower_val,
"min_idx": 0, "max_idx": pivot, "center": lower_center },
{ "min": data[pivot+1], "max": data[-1], "val": upper_val,
"min_idx": pivot+1, "max_idx": len(data) - 1, "center": upper_center } ]
def cell27_segment(train_data, order):
segments_at = [ [ { "min": train_data[0], "max" : train_data[-1],
"val": train_data[int(len(train_data)/2)],
"min_idx":0, "max_idx": len(train_data) - 1 } ] ]
for exp in range(order):
previous = segments_at[-1]
new_segment = list()
for old_segment in previous:
splitted = cell27_split(train_data[old_segment['min_idx']:(old_segment['max_idx']+1)])
for created in splitted:
created['min_idx'] += old_segment['min_idx']
created['max_idx'] += old_segment['min_idx']
created['center'] += old_segment['min_idx']
return segments_at
def cell27_predict(data, segments):
result = list()
for pop in data:
value = None
if pop < segments[0]['min']:
value = segments[0]['val']
elif pop > segments[-1]['max']:
value = segments[-1]['val']
for seg_idx, segment in enumerate(segments):
if segment['min'] <= pop and \
(seg_idx == len(segments) - 1 or pop < segments[seg_idx + 1]['min']):
value = segment['val']
if value is None:
raise Exception("Value not found: {}".format(10**pop))
return np.array(result)
segments_at = cell27_segment(train_data, 5)
for idx, segments in enumerate(segments_at):
for seg_idx, seg in enumerate(segments):
print("\tSegment {:2}, min: {:10,} value: {:10,}, max: {:10,}"
.format((seg_idx+1), int(round(10 ** seg['min'])),
int(round(10 ** seg['val'])), int(round(10 ** seg['max']))))
test_pred = cell27_predict(test_data, segments)
print("Segmented in {}, RMSE: {}".format(2**idx, math.sqrt(sum((test_data - test_pred)**2)/len(test_data))))
import pickle
with open("", "wb") as pkl:
pickle.dump(segments_at, pkl)
From above, splitting into 4 segments produce a reasonable discretiation error. I can now proceed to do some feature selection using mutual information (Chapter 4). I will also introduce 10 random features and drop all features whose mutual information falls below at least 3 random features. Cell #28.
# CELL 28
import numpy as np
import pickle
import random
from collections import OrderedDict
with open("", "rb") as pkl:
segments_at = pickle.load(pkl)
data = list()
header = None
rand = random.Random(42)
with open("ch6_cell26_dev_feat1_dampen.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats)
header = header.strip().split("\t")
header.pop(0) # name
header.pop() # population
for idx in range(PARAM_RANDOM_FEATS):
header.append('random_' + str(idx))
for line in feats:
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
logpop = float(fields[-1])
name = fields[0]
feats = list(map(float,fields[1:-1]))
for _ in range(PARAM_RANDOM_FEATS):
row = (feats, logpop, name)
xdata = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[0], data)))
ydata = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[1], data)))
def cell28_adjudicate(data, segments):
result = list()
for val in data:
idx = None
if val < segments[0]['min']:
idx = 0
elif val > segments[-1]['max']:
idx = len(segments) - 1
for idx2, segment in enumerate(segments):
# if (segment['min'] == val and segment['max'] == val) or \
# (segment['min'] <= val and \
# (idx2 == len(segments)-1 or val < segments[idx2+1]['min'])):
if segment['min'] <= val and val <= segment['max']:
idx = idx2
return np.array(result)
ydata = cell28_adjudicate(ydata, segments_at[2])
# discretize features into up to 4 bins
for feat in range(xdata.shape[1]):
feat_segments = cell27_segment(sorted(xdata[:,feat]), 3)
xdata[:,feat] = cell28_adjudicate(xdata[:,feat], feat_segments[2])
# compute confusion tables for each feature
confusion_tables = list()
for feat in range(xdata.shape[1]):
table = OrderedDict()
for row in range(xdata.shape[0]):
feat_val = int(xdata[row, feat])
target_val = int(ydata[row])
if feat_val not in table:
table[feat_val] = OrderedDict()
table[feat_val][target_val] = table[feat_val].get(target_val, 0) + 1
# compute feature utility using mutual information
feature_utility = list()
# pip install scipy
from scipy.stats.mstats import chisquare
for feat in range(xdata.shape[1]):
if feat % int(xdata.shape[1] / 10) == 0:
print("{:>3} out of {:>3}".format(feat, xdata.shape[1]))
table = confusion_tables[feat]
feat_vals = set()
for row in table.values():
cols = { val: sum(map(lambda x:x.get(val,0), table.values())) for val in feat_vals }
full_table = sum(cols.values())
best_utility = None
for feat_val in table.keys():
for target_val in table[feat_val].keys():
# binarize
n11 = table[feat_val][target_val]
if n11 < 5:
n10 = sum(table[feat_val].values()) - n11
n01 = cols.get(target_val) - n11
n00 = full_table - n11 - n10 - n01
if n10 == 0 or n01 == 0 or n00 == 0:
utility, _ = chisquare([n11, n10, n01, n00])
n1_ = n11 + n10
n0_ = n01 + n00
n_1 = n11 + n01
n_0 = n10 + n00
n = float(full_table)
utility = n11/n * math.log(n*n11/(n1_*n_1),2) + \
n01 / n * math.log(n*n01/(n0_*n_1), 2) + \
n10 / n * math.log(n*n10/(n1_*n_0), 2) + \
n00 / n * math.log(n*n00/(n0_*n_0), 2)
if best_utility is None or best_utility < utility:
best_utility = utility
if best_utility is not None:
feature_utility.append( (feat, best_utility) )
# print("No utility for feat ", feat)
feature_utility = sorted(feature_utility, key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
# determine features to drop based on whether there are PARAM_BEST_RANDOM on top of them
cut_point = None
random_so_far = 0
for idx, row in enumerate(feature_utility):
if header[row[0]].startswith("random_"):
random_so_far += 1
if random_so_far == PARAM_BEST_RANDOM:
cut_point = idx
to_drop = list()
for row in feature_utility[cut_point:]:
if not header[row[0]].startswith("random_"):
print("Dropped", len(to_drop), "features")
to_keep = set()
with open("ch6_cell28_features_dropped.txt", "w") as dropped:
drop_set = set()
for row in to_drop:
dropped.write(header[row[0]] + "\n")
for idx in range(len(header) - PARAM_RANDOM_FEATS):
if idx not in drop_set:
to_keep.add(idx + 1) # accomodate 'name' column
to_keep.add(len(header) - PARAM_RANDOM_FEATS + 1) # logpop
print("New feature vector size", len(to_keep), "features, including name and target")
table1 = ("<table><tr><th>Position</th><th>Feat#</th><th>Feat</th><th>Utility</th></tr>" +
"\n".join(list(map(lambda r:
r[0], r[1][0],
enumerate(feature_utility[:150])))) +"</table>")
table2 = ("<table><tr><th>Position</th><th>Feat#</th><th>Feat</th><th>Utility</th></tr>" +
"\n".join(list(map(lambda r:
r[0], r[1][0],
enumerate(reversed(to_drop))))) +"</table>")
with open("ch6_cell28_dev_feat1_filtered.tsv", "w") as filtered:
with open("ch6_cell26_dev_feat1_dampen.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats)
header = header.strip().split("\t")
new_header = list()
for idx, header_col in enumerate(header):
if idx in to_keep:
filtered.write("\t".join(new_header) + "\n")
for line in feats:
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
new_fields = list()
for idx, value in enumerate(fields):
if idx in to_keep:
filtered.write("\t".join(new_fields) + "\n")
from IPython.display import HTML, display
display(HTML("<h3>Top 150 features by MI</h3>" + table1 +
"<h3>Features to drop</h3>" + table2))
The list of most informative features look very good, particularly number of timezones and actual timezones indicates the geographic location is important. While the wikipedia page contains the GPS coordinates of each city, that information is available in the dbpedia files I chose, but it is available in the geonames file, so it would be useful to retrieve it. I'll look into it in the GIS case study in Chapter 10.
The counts of incoming links seem also very useful, together with the areaTotal. The features dropped seem very specific and most probably fire very little.
I will not turn to another technique for analyzing the data, that is to use decision trees using the splits. Cell #29
# CELL 29
import numpy as np
import pickle
with open("", "rb") as pkl:
segments_at = pickle.load(pkl)
data = list()
header = None
with open("ch6_cell28_dev_feat1_filtered.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats)
header = header.strip().split("\t")
header.pop(0) # name
header.pop() # pop
for line in feats:
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
logpop = float(fields[-1])
name = fields[0]
feats = list(map(float,fields[1:-1]))
row = (feats, logpop, name)
xdata = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[0], data)))
ydata = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[1], data)))
ydata = cell28_adjudicate(ydata, segments_at[2])
print_names = list()
for name in header:
name = name.replace('"','')
if '@' in name:
pos = name.find('@')
rel, val = name[0:pos], name[pos+2:]
rel = rel.replace('<','').replace('>','').split("/")[-1]
val = val.replace('<','').replace('>','').split("/")[-1]
name = "{}@{}".format(rel, val)
name = name.replace('<','').replace('>','').split("/")[-1]
from sklearn import tree
clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(), ydata)
import graphviz
dot_data = tree.export_graphviz(clf, out_file=None, max_depth=4,
impurity=False, proportion=False,
graph = graphviz.Source(dot_data)
From the previous analysis I decided to a computable feature using $area \times density$ and to perform an out-of-fold target-rate encoding in Cell #30, producing "ch6_cell30_dev_feats2_train.tsv" and "ch6_cell30_dev_feats2_test.tsv".
Due to the impossiblity of doing TRE and normalization, this new feature set is already normalized.
# CELL 30
import random
from functools import reduce
from sklearn.svm import SVR
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
rand = random.Random(42)
train_data = list()
test_data = list()
header = None
with open("ch6_cell28_dev_feat1_filtered.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats)
header = header.strip().split("\t")
header.pop(0) # name
header.pop() # population
for line in feats:
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
logpop = float(fields[-1])
name = fields[0]
feats = list(map(float,fields[1:-1]))
row = (feats, logpop, name)
if rand.random() < 0.2:
test_data = sorted(test_data, key=lambda t:t[1])
test_names = list(map(lambda t:t[2], test_data))
xtrain = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[0], train_data)))
ytrain = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[1], train_data)))
xtest = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[0], test_data)))
ytest = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[1], test_data)))
# add computed feature density area times
approx_area_train = np.zeros( (xtrain.shape[0],) )
approx_area_test = np.zeros( (xtest.shape[0],) )
#BUG "area#1" is not included here. It should
for idx, name in enumerate(header):
if "#count" not in name and ("areaLand#" in name or "areaTotal#" in name):
approx_area_train = np.max( [ approx_area_train, xtrain[:,idx] ], axis=0)
approx_area_test = np.max( [ approx_area_test, xtest[:,idx] ], axis=0)
density_idx = next(filter(lambda t:"populationDensity#1" in t[1],
computed_value_train = approx_area_train * xtrain[:,density_idx]
computed_value_test = approx_area_test * xtest[:, density_idx]
computed_defined_train = np.array( list(map(lambda x: 1.0 if x>0 else 0.0,
computed_value_train)) )
computed_defined_test = np.array( list(map(lambda x: 1.0 if x>0 else 0.0,
computed_value_test)) )
computed_value_train = np.log(computed_value_train + 1)
computed_value_test = np.log(computed_value_test + 1)
xtrain = np.append(xtrain, computed_defined_train.reshape( (xtrain.shape[0],1) ), axis=1)
xtrain = np.append(xtrain, computed_value_train.reshape( (xtrain.shape[0],1) ), axis=1)
xtest = np.append(xtest, computed_defined_test.reshape( (xtest.shape[0],1) ), axis=1)
xtest = np.append(xtest, computed_value_test.reshape( (xtest.shape[0],1) ), axis=1)
# out-of-fold target encoding for tsv
xtrain_non_tre = xtrain.copy()
xtest_non_tre = xtest.copy()
def doTRE(xtrain, ytrain, xtest, ytest):
folds = list(map(lambda x:rand.randint(0, PARAM_FOLDS - 1), range(xtrain.shape[0])))
# value to use when there is no evidence available
imputed_tre = sorted(list(ytrain))[int(ytrain.shape[0]/2)]
# gather the TRE cols
tre_cols = list()
tre_col_names = list()
cols_to_tre_cols = dict()
cats_for_attrib = OrderedDict() # name to list of idx
for idx, name in enumerate(header):
if '@' in name: # categorical value
tre_idx = len(tre_cols)
cols_to_tre_cols[idx] = tre_idx
tre_col_names.append(name + '+TRE')
attrib = name[0:name.index('@')]
if attrib not in cats_for_attrib:
cats_for_attrib[attrib] = []
cats_for_attrib[attrib].append( (idx, tre_idx) )
tre_train = np.zeros( (xtrain.shape[0], len(tre_cols)) )
tre_test = np.zeros( (xtest.shape[0], len(tre_cols)) )
saved_full_TRE = OrderedDict()
for idx, name in enumerate(header):
if '@' in name: # categorical value
tre_col = cols_to_tre_cols[idx]
fold_val_pops = { fold: dict() for fold in range(PARAM_FOLDS) }
# gather the pop values for the features in all folds
for row in range(xtrain.shape[0]):
value = xtrain[row, idx]
fold = folds[row]
fold_val_pops[fold][value] = fold_val_pops[fold].get(value, []) + [ytrain[row]]
all_values = set(xtrain[:,idx]).union(set(xtest[:,idx]))
# compute TREs
fold_TREs = list()
for fold in range(PARAM_FOLDS):
val_pops = dict()
for other in range(PARAM_FOLDS):
if other != fold:
for value in fold_val_pops[other].keys():
val_pops[value] = val_pops.get(value, []) + fold_val_pops[other][value]
fold_TRE = OrderedDict()
for value in all_values:
val_pops[value] = sorted(val_pops.get(value, []))
fold_TRE[value] = imputed_tre if len(val_pops[value]) == 0 else \
full_val_pops = dict()
for value in all_values:
full_val_pops[value] = sorted(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
map(lambda f:f.get(value, []), fold_val_pops.values()), []))
full_TRE = OrderedDict()
for value in all_values:
full_TRE[value] = imputed_tre if len(full_val_pops[value]) == 0 \
else full_val_pops[value][int(len(full_val_pops[value])/2)]
# encode folds
for row in range(xtrain.shape[0]):
tre_train[row, tre_col] = fold_TREs[folds[row]][xtrain[row, idx]]
# encode test (full TRE)
for row in range(xtest.shape[0]):
tre_test[row, tre_col] = full_TRE[xtest[row, idx]]
saved_full_TRE[idx] = full_TRE
single_tre_train = np.zeros( (xtrain.shape[0], len(cats_for_attrib)) )
single_tre_test = np.zeros( (xtest.shape[0], len(cats_for_attrib)) )
single_tre_col_names = list()
single_tre_count = 0
for attrib, idxs in cats_for_attrib.items():
single_tre_col_names.append(attrib + '#TRE')
for row in range(xtrain.shape[0]):
max_tre_idx = None
max_val = None
for idx, tre_idx in idxs:
if max_tre_idx is None or xtrain[row,idx] > max_val:
max_val = xtrain[row,idx]
max_tre_idx = tre_idx
single_tre_train[row,single_tre_count] = tre_train[row,tre_idx]
for row in range(xtest.shape[0]):
max_tre_idx = None
max_val = None
for idx, tre_idx in idxs:
if max_tre_idx is None or xtest[row,idx] > max_val:
max_val = xtest[row,idx]
max_tre_idx = tre_idx
single_tre_test[row,single_tre_count] = tre_test[row,tre_idx]
single_tre_count += 1
tre_train = single_tre_train
tre_test = single_tre_test
tre_col_names = single_tre_col_names
# delete original columns
xtrain = np.delete(xtrain, tre_cols, 1)
xtest = np.delete(xtest, tre_cols, 1)
for idx in reversed(tre_cols):
del header[idx]
# add tre columns
xtrain = np.append(xtrain, tre_train, axis=1)
xtest = np.append(xtest, tre_test, axis=1)
return header, xtrain, ytrain, xtest, ytest, saved_full_TRE
new_header, xtrain, ytrain, xtest, ytest, _ = doTRE(xtrain, ytrain, xtest, ytest)
# write new data
with open("ch6_cell30_dev_feats2_train_raw.tsv", "w") as feats:
feats.write("\t".join(["name"] + new_header + ["population"])+"\n")
arr, target, names = xtrain, ytrain, list(map(lambda t:t[2],train_data))
for row in range(arr.shape[0]):
feats.write("\t".join(list(map(lambda v:str(v),
[names[row]]+list(arr[row,:])+[target[row]]))) +"\n")
with open("ch6_cell30_dev_feats2_test_raw.tsv", "w") as feats:
feats.write("\t".join(["name"] + new_header + ["population"])+"\n")
arr, target, names = xtest, ytest, test_names
for row in range(arr.shape[0]):
feats.write("\t".join(list(map(lambda v:str(v),
[names[row]]+list(arr[row,:])+[target[row]]))) +"\n")
# need to re-do tre after scaling
xtrain = xtrain_non_tre
xtest = xtest_non_tre
# SVRs need scaling
xtrain_min = xtrain.min(axis=0); xtrain_max = xtrain.max(axis=0)
# some can be zero if the column is constant in training
xtrain_diff = xtrain_max - xtrain_min
for idx in range(len(xtrain_diff)):
if xtrain_diff[idx] == 0.0:
xtrain_diff[idx] = 1.0
xtrain_scaling = 1.0 / xtrain_diff
xtrain -= xtrain_min; xtrain *= xtrain_scaling
ytrain_min = ytrain.min(); ytrain_max = ytrain.max()
ytrain_scaling = 1.0 / (ytrain_max - ytrain_min)
ytrain -= ytrain_min; ytrain *= ytrain_scaling
xtest -= xtrain_min; xtest *= xtrain_scaling
ytest_orig = ytest.copy()
ytest -= ytrain_min; ytest *= ytrain_scaling
# redo TRE after scaling
header, xtrain, ytrain, xtest, ytest, saved_full_TRE = doTRE(xtrain, ytrain, xtest, ytest)
saved_full_TRE = saved_full_TRE,
xtrain_min = xtrain_min,
xtrain_scaling = xtrain_scaling,
ytrain_min = ytrain_min,
ytrain_scaling = ytrain_scaling)
with open("ch6_cell30_dev_feats2_train.tsv", "w") as feats:
feats.write("\t".join(["name"] + header + ["population"])+"\n")
arr, target, names = xtrain, ytrain, list(map(lambda t:t[2],train_data))
for row in range(arr.shape[0]):
feats.write("\t".join(list(map(lambda v:str(v),
[names[row]]+list(arr[row,:])+[target[row]]))) +"\n")
with open("ch6_cell30_dev_feats2_test.tsv", "w") as feats:
feats.write("\t".join(["name"] + header + ["population"])+"\n")
arr, target, names = xtest, ytest, test_names
for row in range(arr.shape[0]):
feats.write("\t".join(list(map(lambda v:str(v),
[names[row]]+list(arr[row,:])+[target[row]]))) +"\n")
# train
print("Training on {:,} cities".format(len(xtrain)))
best_c = 100.0
best_epsilon = 0.05
best_rmse = 1000
for c in [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 15.0, 100.0]:
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=0.01, C=c, gamma='auto'), ytrain)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest)
ytest_pred *= 1.0/ytrain_scaling
ytest_pred += ytrain_min
RMSE = math.sqrt(sum((ytest_orig - ytest_pred)**2) / len(ytest))
print("C", c, "RMSE", RMSE)
if RMSE < best_rmse:
best_c = c
best_rmse = RMSE
print("Best C", best_c,"best RMSE", best_rmse)
best_epsilon = 0.1
best_rmse = 1000
for epsilon in [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0]:
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=epsilon, C=best_c, gamma='auto'), ytrain)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest)
ytest_pred *= 1.0/ytrain_scaling
ytest_pred += ytrain_min
RMSE = math.sqrt(sum((ytest_orig - ytest_pred)**2) / len(ytest))
print("Epsilon", epsilon, "RMSE", RMSE)
if RMSE < best_rmse:
best_epsilon = epsilon
best_rmse = RMSE
print("Best epsilon", best_epsilon,"best RMSE", best_rmse)
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=best_epsilon, C=best_c, gamma='auto'), ytrain)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest)
ytest_pred *= 1.0/ytrain_scaling
ytest_pred += ytrain_min
RMSE = math.sqrt(sum((ytest_orig - ytest_pred)**2) / len(ytest))
print("RMSE", RMSE)
print("Writing files for error analysis")
xtrain=xtrain, ytrain=ytrain,
xtest=xtest, ytest=ytest,
with open("ch6_cell30_test_names.tsv", "w") as names:
for idx, name in enumerate(test_names):
names.write("{}\t{}\n".format(idx, name))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [20, 5]
plt.plot(ytest_pred, label="predicted", color='gray')
plt.plot(ytest_orig, label="actual", color='black')
plt.ylabel('scaled log population')
plt.savefig("ch6_cell30_svr_feat2.pdf", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
Adding back the original columns increases the number of columns to 577 from 314 but it reduces the RMSE to 0.3366 (otherwise it stays on 0.3514). This constitutes the best feature set to be used in the final evaluation.
I'll now focus on selecting features that are stable under test error, that is, that can cope with a training set that is an incorrect sample of the feature.
For that, I'll borrow a technique from privacy preserving data mining and introduce noise to the data by swapping the value of a given feature between two instances. Doing this swapping at a given percentage creates a test set that has been perturbed at a certain level. For these experiments, I will arbitrarily use a perturbation of 30%.
For a conservative feature set, I will be willing to let go of features that, when perturbed at 30% produce a drop on performance greater than the drop resulting for keeping them.
Sadly, as features are dependent, we'll need to retrain the base model every time a feature is deleted. Cell #31
# CELL 31
import random
import datetime
from sklearn.svm import SVR
import numpy as np
rand = random.Random(41) # 41 has areaLand and US; 39 areaLand and Brazil
train_data = list()
test_data = list()
header = None
with open("ch6_cell30_dev_feats2_train.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats)
header = header.strip().split("\t")
header.pop(0) # name
header.pop() # population
for line in feats:
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
logpop = float(fields[-1])
name = fields[0]
feats = list(map(float,fields[1:-1]))
row = (feats, logpop, name)
with open("ch6_cell30_dev_feats2_test.tsv") as feats:
_ = next(feats)
for line in feats:
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
logpop = float(fields[-1])
name = fields[0]
feats = list(map(float,fields[1:-1]))
row = (feats, logpop, name)
test_data = sorted(test_data, key=lambda t:t[1])
test_names = list(map(lambda t:t[2], test_data))
xtrain = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[0], train_data)))
ytrain = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[1], train_data)))
xtest = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[0], test_data)))
ytest = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[1], test_data)))
# sample the data to finish in a reasonable amount of time
selected = rand.sample(list(range(len(xtrain))), int(len(xtrain) * 0.2))
xtrain = xtrain[selected,:]
ytrain = ytrain[selected]
selected = rand.sample(list(range(len(xtest))), int(len(xtest) * 0.2))
xtest = xtest[selected,:]
ytest = ytest[selected]
dropped_features = list()
rand = random.Random(42)
best_c = 100.0
best_epsilon = 0.05
start_error = None
end_error = None
while True:
print(, "=== Total features", xtrain.shape[1], "===")
# train base system
full_svr = SVR(epsilon=best_epsilon, C=best_c, gamma='auto'), ytrain)
print(, "Base model trained")
# do wrapper
feature_loss = list()
selected = rand.sample(list(range(len(xtrain))), int(len(xtrain) * 0.1))
xtrain_samp = xtrain[selected,:]
ytrain_samp = ytrain[selected]
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=best_epsilon, C=best_c, gamma='auto'), ytrain_samp)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest)
base_error = math.sqrt( sum((ytest_pred - ytest)**2) )
print(, "Sampled model trained")
for feat in range(xtrain.shape[1]):
if feat % int(xtrain.shape[1] / 10) == 0:
print(, "ablation, {:>3} out of {:>3}".format(feat, xtrain.shape[1]))
train_col = xtrain_samp[:,feat].copy()
xtrain_samp[:,feat] = 0.0 # nuke feature
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=best_epsilon, C=best_c, gamma='auto'), ytrain_samp)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest)
error = math.sqrt( sum((ytest_pred - ytest)**2) )
feature_loss.append(base_error - error)
xtrain_samp[:,feat] = train_col # restore
while len(feature_loss) < xtrain.shape[1]:
# do perturbation error
ytest_pred = full_svr.predict(xtest)
base_error = math.sqrt( sum( (ytest_pred - ytest)**2 ) )
if start_error is None:
start_error = base_error
end_error = base_error
# perturbed samples
perturbed = list()
for _ in range(PARAM_SAMPLES):
xtest_perturbed = xtest.copy()
for _ in range(int(xtest.shape[0] * PARAM_PERTURBATION_PERC * 2)):
a = rand.randint(0, xtest.shape[0] - 1)
b = rand.randint(0, xtest.shape[0] - 1)
xtest_perturbed[ [a,b], :] = xtest_perturbed[ [b,a], :]
"perturbation at {} finished for {} samples".format(PARAM_PERTURBATION_PERC, PARAM_SAMPLES))
perturbed_error = list()
for feat in range(min(PARAM_FIRST_SAMPLES, xtrain.shape[1])):
if feat % int(xtrain.shape[1] / 10) == 0:
print(, "perturbation, {:>3} out of {:>3}".format(feat, xtrain.shape[1]))
errors = list()
test_col = xtest[:,feat].copy()
for idx in range(PARAM_SAMPLES):
xtest[:,feat] = perturbed[idx][:,feat]
ytest_pred = full_svr.predict(xtest)
errors.append( base_error - math.sqrt( sum((ytest_pred - ytest)**2) ) )
xtest[:,feat] = test_col
while len(perturbed_error) < xtrain.shape[1]:
# pick the feature to drop
feat_to_drop = None
best_ratio = None
droppable_count = 0
for feat in range(min(PARAM_FIRST_SAMPLES, xtrain.shape[1])):
if perturbed_error[feat] > 0 and feature_loss[feat] > 0 and perturbed_error[feat] > feature_loss[feat]:
droppable_count += 1
ratio = feature_loss[feat] / perturbed_error[feat]
print(, "Feature",header[feat], "ablated", feature_loss[feat],
"perturbed",perturbed_error[feat], "ratio", ratio)
if feat_to_drop is None or best_ratio > ratio:
feat_to_drop = feat
best_ratio = ratio
print("Droppable features", droppable_count, "out of", xtrain.shape[1])
if feat_to_drop is None:
break # done
# drop feature
print(, "Dropped", header[feat_to_drop])
del header[feat_to_drop]
xtrain = np.delete(xtrain, feat_to_drop, 1)
xtest = np.delete(xtest, feat_to_drop, 1)
if xtrain.shape[1] == 0:
break # shouldn't happen
print(, "Final number of features",xtrain.shape[1])
print(, "Start error", start_error)
print(, "Final error", end_error)
# write'em
with open("ch6_cell31_features_dropped.txt", "w") as dropped:
for featname in dropped_features:
dropped.write(featname + "\n")
with open("ch6_cell31_dev_train.tsv", "w") as feats:
feats.write("\t".join(["name"] + header + ["population"])+"\n")
arr, target, names = xtrain, ytrain, list(map(lambda t:t[2],train_data))
for row in range(arr.shape[0]):
feats.write("\t".join(list(map(lambda v:str(v),
[names[row]]+list(arr[row,:])+[target[row]]))) +"\n")
with open("ch6_cell31_dev_test.tsv", "w") as feats:
feats.write("\t".join(["name"] + header + ["population"])+"\n")
arr, target, names = xtest, ytest, test_names
for row in range(arr.shape[0]):
feats.write("\t".join(list(map(lambda v:str(v),
[names[row]]+list(arr[row,:])+[target[row]]))) +"\n")
The previous cell results suggest dropping countries but that is counter-intuitive as they are the most stable features. Based on this realization, I assemble a "more conservative set" using only counts and country features, with no TRE (Cell #32).
# CELL 32
import bz2
import re
from sklearn.svm import SVR
import numpy as np
triple_re = re.compile("(<[^>]+>)\s(<[^>]+>)\s(.*) \.")
def compressed_triples_gen(filename):
with bz2.BZ2File(filename,"r") as compressed:
for byteline in compressed:
if byteline[0] == ord('#'):
line = byteline.decode("utf-8")
s,v,o = triple_re.match(line).groups()
yield line,s,v,o
# determine country names, from DBpedia
countries = list()
for line, subj, verb, obj in compressed_triples_gen("instance_types_en.ttl.bz2"):
if obj == '<>':
print("Read {:,} countries".format(len(countries)))
# read dataset
train_data = list()
test_data = list()
header = None
devtrain = set()
with open("devtrain.txt") as train:
# for stable results due to a missing seed
for city in train:
with open("ch6_cell28_dev_feat1_filtered.tsv") as feats:
header = next(feats)
header = header.strip().split("\t")
header.pop(0) # name
header.pop() # population
for line in feats:
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
logpop = float(fields[-1])
name = fields[0]
feats = list(map(float,fields[1:-1]))
row = (feats, logpop, name)
#if rand.random() < 0.2:
if name not in devtrain:
train_names = list(map(lambda t:t[2], train_data))
test_data = sorted(test_data, key=lambda t:t[1])
test_names = list(map(lambda t:t[2], test_data))
xtrain = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[0], train_data)))
ytrain = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[1], train_data)))
xtest = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[0], test_data)))
ytest = np.array(list(map(lambda t:t[1], test_data)))
# computed feature density area times
approx_area_train = np.zeros( (xtrain.shape[0],) )
approx_area_test = np.zeros( (xtest.shape[0],) )
for idx, name in enumerate(header):
if "#count" not in name and ("areaLand#" in name or "areaTotal#" in name):
approx_area_train = np.max( [ approx_area_train, xtrain[:,idx] ], axis=0)
approx_area_test = np.max( [ approx_area_test, xtest[:,idx] ], axis=0)
density_idx = next(filter(lambda t:"populationDensity#1" in t[1],
computed_value_train = approx_area_train * xtrain[:,density_idx]
computed_value_test = approx_area_test * xtest[:, density_idx]
computed_defined_train = np.array( list(map(lambda x: 1.0 if x>0 else 0.0,
computed_value_train)) )
computed_defined_test = np.array( list(map(lambda x: 1.0 if x>0 else 0.0,
computed_value_test)) )
computed_value_train = np.log(computed_value_train + 1)
computed_value_test = np.log(computed_value_test + 1)
# filter categories not containing a country
to_delete = list()
for idx, name in enumerate(header):
keep = True
if '@' in name:
keep = False
for country in countries:
if country in name:
keep = True
if not keep:
xtrain = np.delete(xtrain, to_delete, 1)
xtest = np.delete(xtest, to_delete, 1)
for idx in reversed(to_delete):
del header[idx]
# add computed feature
xtrain = np.append(xtrain, computed_defined_train.reshape( (xtrain.shape[0],1) ), axis=1)
xtrain = np.append(xtrain, computed_value_train.reshape( (xtrain.shape[0],1) ), axis=1)
xtest = np.append(xtest, computed_defined_test.reshape( (xtest.shape[0], 1) ), axis=1)
xtest = np.append(xtest, computed_value_test.reshape( (xtest.shape[0], 1) ), axis=1)
# write full file
with open("ch6_cell32_dev_feat_conservative.tsv", "w") as f:
f.write("name\t" + "\t".join(header) + '\tpopulation\n')
for row in range(xtrain.shape[0]):
f.write(train_names[row] + '\t' + '\t'.join(map(str,xtrain[row,:]))+ '\t' + str(ytrain[row]) + '\n')
for row in range(xtest.shape[0]):
f.write(test_names[row] + '\t' + '\t'.join(map(str,xtest[row,:])) + '\t' + str(ytest[row]) + '\n')
# train SVR
xtrain_min = xtrain.min(axis=0); xtrain_max = xtrain.max(axis=0)
# some can be zero if the column is constant in training
xtrain_diff = xtrain_max - xtrain_min
for idx in range(len(xtrain_diff)):
if xtrain_diff[idx] == 0.0:
xtrain_diff[idx] = 1.0
xtrain_scaling = 1.0 / xtrain_diff
xtrain -= xtrain_min; xtrain *= xtrain_scaling
ytrain_min = ytrain.min(); ytrain_max = ytrain.max()
ytrain_scaling = 1.0 / (ytrain_max - ytrain_min)
ytrain -= ytrain_min; ytrain *= ytrain_scaling
xtest -= xtrain_min; xtest *= xtrain_scaling
ytest_orig = ytest.copy()
ytest -= ytrain_min; ytest *= ytrain_scaling
# train
print("Training on {:,} cities".format(len(xtrain)))
best_c = 100.0
best_epsilon = 0.05
svr_rbf = SVR(epsilon=best_epsilon, C=best_c, gamma='auto'), ytrain)
ytest_pred = svr_rbf.predict(xtest)
ytest_pred *= 1.0/ytrain_scaling
ytest_pred += ytrain_min
RMSE = math.sqrt(sum((ytest_orig - ytest_pred)**2) / len(ytest))
print("RMSE", RMSE)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [20, 5]
plt.plot(ytest_pred, label="predicted", color='gray')
plt.plot(ytest_orig, label="actual", color='black')
plt.ylabel('scaled log population')
plt.savefig("ch6_cell32_svr_feat_conservative.pdf", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
Follow ups left to the reader:
Final systems:
Assemble baseline system using feature stability and feat2 as good, with expected scores to get <- baseline: total count, plus area times density, country target rate encoded